Our Activities
"The child has one intuitive aim, Self development. He desperately wants to develop his resources, his ability to cope with the strange complex world. He wants to do and see and learn for himself, through his senses and through the eyes of an adult. The child who accomplishes this moves into harmony with his world he becomes a full person. He is educated." – Dr Maria Montessori
Exercises of practical life

The activities of daily living are an essential part of the educational process. In learning to care for himself and his environment the child builds independence and confidence.
Sensorial Activities

The scientifically designed material offers the child information to build his budding intelligence. He becomes keenly aware of his environment by doing these activities and is able to classify his ideas.

Children in a Montessori environment enjoy mathematics. These activites help the child move from concrete experience to abstract ideas of quantities and operations through individually paced work.

Language learning is vital to a child’s progress. At Little Me, the children constantly voice their opinions and feelings thus developing the ability to speak without inhibitions. This lays the foundation for well developed communication skills.

Culture is broadly defined as any science or art brought into being by man. The child is exposed to as many elements of human culture as Possible. The emphasis is on the connection between different fields of study and a holistic vision.
Art and Craft

Creativity is the most valued trait of a person in today’s world. Our Art & Craft Class is just the right place to be at. It is designed to develop the observation, creativity and imagination of a child and thereby activating the right brain.
Free Play

Its the fun time for children where they are allowed to choose and play indoors or outdoors happily everyday over a wide range of games. Through these sessions they indirectly learn to share, wait for their turn and develop an amicable behaviour.